Jennifer Ann's Group is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public charity [20-4618499]. Since 2008 we have been producing and publishing prosocial games to engage, educate, and empower young people. Gaming Against Violence is an award-winning & research-based program for violence prevention. Donate online to support our work at
Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Topic: Communication
Prizes: $10,000 USD
Entry deadine: March 24th
Details, Rules, Entry:
Figure it Sprout Silv-E Award, 2nd Place, Best Student Game (2023)
MushWhom? Silv-E Award, Best Design (2023)
One New Message by Eloise Best (England)
New Sun by Colmena Games (Colombia)
UnEarth by Robin Ghosh (Canada)
What's Next!?! by Shelley Wilson & Team (U.S.)
One more resilience game still to come.
Culture Overlord - Lucas Vially (France)
★2022 Games for Change Awards, Finalist Best Learning Game
A Thousand Cuts - Elizabeth Ballou (U.S.)
The Gaslighting Games include:
Lamplight Hollow Luciano Sgarbi (England)
LED Gaslight Naomi Norbez (U.S.)
We have produced dozens of prosocial games intentionally created to help young people recognize the warning signs of an abusive relationship and foster skills supporting healthy relationships.
HONEYMOON by Sandra Lara Castillo (England)
Grace's Diary by GP Touch (Thailand)
Program Website: Gaming Against Violence
Nonprofit Website: Jennifer Ann's Group
Prosocial Video Game Portal:
GDC Presentation: Gaming Against Violence: Using Video Games to Stop Teen Dating Violence