School is out, forever. Time to party!
Time to get out and see the world!

Crossing Boundaries is an award winning video game about consent.

Crossing Boundaries is a globetrotting game exploring consent from a variety of perspectives. Eva, Alice, and Joe have just graduated from school and are ready to explore!

Where do you want to go? Morocco or Berlin? Mumbai or Moscow? Will you get all 40 achievements? And most importantly: will you become a master of 'Snog-A-Frog'?

Join this group of friends on their travel adventures as they learn about consent, different cultures, and themselves.

► Read article: A video game about consent: Crossing Boundaries

Crossing Boundaries is a prosocial game from the Gaming Against Violence program produced by Jennifer Ann's Group, a non profit charity, as part of the Consent Game Series.

Since 2008, Jennifer Ann's Group has been producing prosocial games to help students, educators, and parents. Video games are an ideal approach to engaging, educating, and empowering young people and Gaming Against Violence is an evidence-based program shown to change unhealthy attitudes and beliefs.

Social Connectedness Games

Social Connectedness Games

Connectedness games to be published 2025.

Visit Connecting.Games for info about connectedness.

Critical Thinking Game

MushWhom? Educational Edition

Designed for classroom use:
  • Standards aligned lesson plan.
  • Slide deck.
  • In-game introduction and afterword.

Resilience Game

One New Message - Eloise Best (England)
One New Message from Eloise Best is available on itchio! This award-winning resilience game focuses on coping strategies to help deal with real-world stress and anxiety. We've also released a free lesson plan for classroom use.
More resilience games will be released soon. Follow us to stay up-to-date with our latest prosocial games and resources.

Free lesson plan for classroom use.

For more information about our resilience games visit

Gaming Against Violence recognized as Top-50 Innovator

2022 Classy Awards Finalist
The nonprofit program that produced this game was selected as a Classy Awards Finalist for its innovative approach to violence prevention through games. Learn more about Gaming Against Violence.

About Crossing Boundaries


Testudo Studios


Produced by

Jennifer Ann's Group

@stopTDV (Twitter) @stopTDV (Mastodon)

Published by

Life Love Publishing

@LifeLovePublish (Twitter) @LifeLovePublish (Mastodon)



Infrequent/Mild Sexual Content and Nudity

Infrequent/Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References

Infrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive Themes

Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence

► Help us help you! ◄

Are you using Crossing Boundaries at your conference or school? Or in a research paper or study? Please let us know!
We occasionally perform maintenance on our games and/or game pages. So please let us know if you are using Crossing Boundaries, especially for live events. This way we will be sure to make Crossing Boundaries accessible -- or will come up with a backup solution.
AND... knowing this information might help us obtain more funding. And funding helps us update Crossing Boundaries, create supplemental materials, and support our other prosocial video games. We hope to keep offering them to everybody for free -- especially students, teachers, and parents.
Thank you & enjoy Crossing Boundaries!

Jennifer Ann's Group

To be notified of future game design contests please sign up for our game newsletter.

About Jennifer Ann's Group

Jennifer Ann's Group is a nonprofit charity. Through their Gaming Against Violence program they have produced more than sixty prosocial video games since 2008. Game topics include bystander awareness, consent, healthy relationships, resilience, and teen dating violence prevention.

This award-winning approach to violence prevention is evidence-based and the games are available for use in university studies. Please contact Jennifer Ann's Group to discuss possible grant collaborations, dissertation ideas, and research opportunities.

Jennifer Ann's Group was created in 2006. More information and additional free resources for teen dating violence prevention are available at

Jennifer Ann's Group® is a registered trademark of
The Jennifer Ann Crecente Memorial Group, Inc.

Also available on


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I clearly said, "no," to learning about consent, but once it happened, I kinda enjoyed it.


Thank you for sharing this with us -- we think learning about topics like consent shouldn't be painful.

We are happy to hear that the experience was better than you expected!