Updates: Grace's Diary - v1.2 for Browser (Flash)

A quick note about Grace's Diary:

After further testing and no reported issues with the new downloadable version of Grace's Diary (v1.2) we've now updated the flash version playable in your browser* to v1.2 also. This new version is still in Beta until we've seen it played on more systems. Please let us know if you have a problem playing the new version.

Why are we updating the online Flash version?

Although it has become much more difficult to play Flash games in your browser there are still many more people who play Grace's Diary online compared to those who download it. Historically, for every one download of Grace's Diary there are 10 - 20 online game plays.

We hope that people will continue to play this game and at some point we are able to port it to another platform that will allow it to be more accessible. Until then we hope that the minor modifications we've been making have been helpful and have made it more accessible for now.

*assuming you have a browser which can access Flash and you accept the associated security warnings.

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